Where can I learn more about districting and redistricting?
There are a number of online publications and guides to redistricting. You can start with this one from MALDEF and the NAACP, or this (long) one from the Brennan Centerthis one from the League of Women Voters, or this FAQ from the California Independent Redistricting Commission.

What does “population unit” mean?
The demographer divided the city map into population units to help people who want to create districts without using the online tool.  Use the population figures in this map to tally up the population in the districts you want to create. If needed, you can split up the population unit into different districts. You’ll just have to make your best guess about how to split the numbers, and the demographer will finalize the numbers when he inputs your proposed map.

What are the numbers for on the “Population Unit” map?
One map has population numbers. The other assigns an identification number to each population unit for those who want to use the excel spreadsheets provided to calculate the total population in each district. The excel spreadsheet has numbered rows that correspond to the population units on the map.

What are the Excel sheets for?
The excel sheets have been created for people who want to automatically tally the population numbers as they create district boundaries. They are pre-populated with the population unit numbers and formulas that will do the calculations for you as you assign various population units to districts.

What does Census Block mean?
The online map making tool divides the city into Census blocks, the smallest unit of measurement used by the Census. Think of a census block as being roughly equivalent to a city block (although the census blocks are larger in less populated areas). It’s best not to split census blocks when creating your maps.

What do the acronyms and categories mean on the demographic sheets?
These are standard categories included in the Census. Not all of the categories are relevant for creating district maps. Acronyms include:
NH: Non-Hispanic
VAP: Voting age population
CVAP: Citizen Voting Age Population
CVRA: California Voting Rights Act
NDC: National Demographics Corporation (the firm hired by the city to create the maps)

Do I have to submit a complete map?
No. You can draw boundaries for just the district where you’d like your neighborhood to be or any part of the city.

Can I submit more than one map?

What happens to the maps?
Once submitted, maps are considered public records. The city will post all legally-compliant submitted maps on its website.

Need help?
Contact the city’s demographers at National Demographics Corporation:818-254-1221 (phone and fax)  or LakeForest@NDCresearch.com.